Best high-paying tech careers for moms

Best high-paying tech careers for moms

Looking to break into the high-paying tech industry? Don't sweat it! Today's tech landscape is teeming with opportunities that offer impressive paychecks and provide the flexibility every mom craves. Whether you're a coding novice, tech enthusiast, or seasoned IT professional, a high-paying tech career is waiting just for you. Ready to dive in? Let's cut through the noise and take a closer look at some of the best high-paying tech careers for moms.

Overview of the tech industry and why it is an excellent option for working moms

The tech industry is exploding with potential, and more and more women are discovering the lucrative opportunities that working in tech can provide. Not only does the industry offer a wide range of job roles, but it also offers higher salaries than many other industries. Furthermore, many employers within the tech sector understand the needs of working moms and are willing to be flexible regarding scheduling and hours. This makes tech an excellent option for moms wanting to build a career without sacrificing family time. 

From software developers and web designers to data analysts and system administrators, plenty of high-paying tech jobs offer the flexibility moms need. Plus, with so many online coding classes and certification programs available, it's easier than ever.

Top 5 high-paying tech careers for moms

  • Software Engineer: Software engineers design, develop and maintain software programs. This role requires some coding experience but also requires problem-solving skills and creative thinking. The average salary for a software engineer: $105,590 
  • Database Administrator: Database administrators are responsible for setting up, managing, and maintaining databases. They must possess technical expertise and be well-versed in database concepts.
  • Web Developer: Web developers design and develop websites, often using programming languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The average salary for a web developer: $76,260
  • Data Scientist: Data scientists use statistical techniques to analyze and draw insights from data. They must be adept in both mathematics and computer science. The average salary for a data scientist: $118,370
  • Systems Analyst: Systems analysts design, develop and maintain computer systems for businesses. They must have an understanding of the organization's needs and be able to work with hardware and software vendors. The average salary for a systems analyst: $85,800
  • Network Engineer: Network engineers create, maintain and troubleshoot local area networks, wide area networks, and other types of computer networks. The average salary for a network engineer: $90,270 

Tips on how to transition into a tech career as a mom

Most mothers have the challenge of balancing a career and family. For many, transitioning into a tech-related job can prove challenging. But with some tips and tricks from experienced moms who have made the switch, it is possible to transition while still providing for your family's needs. 

Here are some tips on how to transition into a tech career as a mom:

  1. Make sure you are up to date on the latest technology. Researching and familiarizing yourself with the newest tools, trends, and techniques can help you stay ahead of the game.
  2. Network with other tech-savvy moms in your area or online. These connections can provide valuable resources, advice, and support during this transition.
  3. Take advantage of online courses to help you learn the latest technologies and skills needed for a tech career. Investing in yourself can go a long way in helping you reach your career goals. 
  4. Consider working part-time or taking on freelance projects as you switch to a tech career. This will allow you to ease into the role and gain valuable experience. 
  5. Set aside time for yourself to stay healthy, relaxed, and energized while transitioning into your tech career. Taking some "me" time can do wonders for your mental health and well-being. 
  6. Don't hesitate to reach out to mentors or colleagues who are in the same field as you. They can provide helpful advice and resources to help empower your transition. 

If you are still unsure about making the transition, remember that there are plenty of support networks out there with experienced moms who have

Benefits of having a tech career as a mom, such as flexible hours and job security

For moms, one of the best decisions they can make is to pursue a career in technology. With flexible hours and job security, it's easy to see why more mothers are switching from traditional jobs. 

The tech industry offers many things that other sectors do not have. Firstly, since many tech jobs give you the flexibility to work from home, you can take care of your children and still make money. This is something that a lot of moms appreciate because it means they don't have to sacrifice their time with their family to provide for them.

Moreover, tech jobs offer job security as the required skills are always in demand. As technology advances, the industry needs new skills, and having a tech background gives you an advantage in finding work. So if your job doesn't feel secure, consider switching to a tech career.

Another benefit of pursuing a tech career is that it often pays much higher than other traditional jobs. This is great for mothers looking for ways to provide for their families without taking on the extra stress of managing multiple jobs. 

Lastly, there is also much opportunity for creative growth in the tech industry. Thanks to new technology, it's easy to branch out and create things that no one has seen before. For those looking for something more than just working behind a desk all-day

Common pitfalls of tech jobs and how to avoid them

As with many jobs in the tech industry, there are certain pitfalls to be aware of that can make it difficult for moms to succeed. It's important to understand these challenges and develop strategies for overcoming them. 

The first common pitfall is the lack of support and guidance from peers and colleagues due to gender imbalance. Unfortunately, despite progress in recent years, tech is still very much a male-dominated field. This can leave moms feeling isolated and unsupported on the job.

The best way to combat this is by actively seeking mentorship and support from other women in the industry. Plenty of online forums, groups, and events are specifically designed for female tech professionals. Taking advantage of these resources will help you build a robust professional network that can provide the support and guidance needed to navigate the tech industry.

Another pitfall is the need for formal development opportunities. It's essential to understand how your job fits into the bigger picture, which can be difficult when no formal advancement pathways or training programs are in place. Once again, this is where mentorships and networking become invaluable tools. Joining professional development groups, attending conferences, and taking advantage of online learning programs can all help you stay up-to-date on the latest technology trends and gain valuable skills to make you more competitive in the tech job market.

Finally, there is the issue of work/life balance. It's no secret that many tech jobs require long hours and can be pretty demanding. Although it's important to stay committed to your job, it's also essential that you take the time to rest and recharge. Working out a schedule that allows enough time for yourself and your family is critical to maintaining a healthy work/life balance.

Strategies for balancing tech work with family duties

An excellent tech career comes with challenges, especially for working moms. Managing a job while caring for a family can sometimes feel overwhelming. But it's possible to make it work if you have the right strategies and attitude in place.

Here are some tips that can help you find the perfect balance between tech and family life: 

  • Feel free to ask for help. Whether it's from family members, friends, or online task services like TaskRabbit, asking for help is essential to stay healthy and successful in your career.
  • Make communication a top priority. Keeping the lines of communication open with coworkers, clients, and family members can help make sure everyone is on the same page and understands your preferences.
  • Prioritize self-care. Taking time out for yourself is critical in keeping your energy and focus while managing tech work and home life. Make sure to take regular breaks throughout the day, eat healthy meals, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly. 
  • Establish clear boundaries with work hours. Set an explicit schedule for yourself and stick to it. Make sure to establish boundaries with your family so that they understand when you need to focus on work and set aside times when you can be completely present with them.
  • Leverage technology whenever possible. Utilizing tools like time-tracking software, project management apps, and video conferencing can help streamline processes and make staying productive while being present with your family easier. 

By implementing these strategies, working moms can become successful tech professionals without sacrificing time with their families. With the right balance of hard work and dedication, you can have a fulfilling career that makes you feel empowered and happy.

Resources to help moms kick-start their tech career journey

For those looking for more information on how to get started in a tech career, many online resources are available. Here are some of the best sources for moms who want to pursue a successful tech career: 

  • Women Who Code: Women Who Code is an international non-profit organization dedicated to helping women in tech achieve their career goals. They offer a variety of mentorship programs, networking events, and educational resources designed for female professionals. 
  • Moms Can Code: Moms Can Code helps moms learn the skills necessary to pursue a successful tech career. Their online courses are specifically tailored to busy parents, with flexible learning options that fit any lifestyle. 
  • Code Academy: Code Academy offers a variety of free and paid courses that teach coding skills from the basics to more advanced topics. They also provide job resources, such as resume and portfolio tips, to help mothers succeed in the tech industry. 
  • Geek Mom Projects: Geek Mom Projects is an online community for moms who want to explore different tech careers. They offer webinars, blog posts, tutorials, and online courses to help moms get up to speed with coding and other tech-related skills. 

With these resources at your fingertips, you're well on your way to achieving a successful career in the tech industry. With some hard work and dedication, you can find the right balance between taking care of your family.


Regarding tech careers for moms, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Every mom has different needs and preferences regarding their career path, and finding the right fit can take some time and effort. However, with the rising demand for skilled workers in the tech industry, many options are available for those who want a higher salary and greater job security. From software engineering and web development to data science and UX design, a range of tech-focused roles offers high wages and more flexibility for moms who want to juggle family commitments and their professional lives. 

No matter what you choose, remember that you don't have to give up your career dreams to raise a family. With the proper preparation and mindset, you can pursue your dream job in tech and still be the best mom you can be.

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